Space and time are the realms of reality. These two structures make up all shared existence, and as individuals operating in the contemporary world, we can share our perspectives and experiences instantly through the creative expression of photo sharing. However, behind vivid visual reality stands the internal soul that can’t quite fully express the true conception of abstract truths in such a steadfastly objective medium.

EDA Surf finding true inspiration at the National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. with sleeping son Dax.
Or, at least that’s been my deep- seated problem with the medium of photography ever since I started using it as a form of artistic expression 12 years ago. That is, until a few months back, as the dawn of 2017 was showing the first beams of universal disorder and chaos, I was in my hometown of Washington, DC, cruising the marble halls of the National Gallery of Art. This Federal institution can always be relied on to give breadth to the slack sails of any creative ship. This year’s pilgrimage to these epic galleries was nothing short of enlightening. After taking in the masterpieces of Rembrandt, Dali, Pollock, and Warhol (to name a few), I walked onto the National Mall with new ideas giving me fresh purpose. I knew exactly what I needed to do. Flip my old work on its head. This new and completely original collection is the product of that flip, and now thirty pieces deep, I am calling it ‘The Multiverse Collection’. As this new line of work evolves, and fresh piece are added to the collection as they are produced, I invite you to return in the coming weeks and mouths to monitor this inspiration from the canon of modern art.
– Ruttkay / @edasurf